The shadows pay no mind to the sun
And the sun turns its ray away from shadows
Yet they are tied together by wires unbroken by time
They are collaborating in ignorance
Brothers and sisters sharing the same face and different bodies
They cannot exist without one another; hatred has turned into love
The venom of a snake that kills the deer is an antidote for the child
The cyclical nature of this world
Of joy and misery, they are like lovers who cannot escape each other
“I hate you!” She says as she turns the bedroom inside out
Flipping the bookshelf as he throws her suitcase out the window
The next day they embrace… The confusion of our universe!
Every atom in my body yearns for the light and joy of my God
Yet I behave as if I hate him, that I thirst for his opposition
Every time I do wrong by The Lord, it only makes me want to do more right
Every time I neglect my fellow man, it only convicts me
Contradiction has kept this species alive
Lies have let the Eagle thrive
Lies have let lions save their cubs
What is love without its opposite?
We kill the bear to stay warm in its fur
We destroy the land to eat its fruit
Humanity crucified Jesus, only for him to save us
The truest demonstration of hate, perhaps, is Love?
The grass wilts every winter, just to come back and greet us
From blood, we come, and from blood we go
The tunnels we carve from being contrarians lead us home
Birth canals and the River Styx occupy the same water
The water hates the land, but they use each other
The situation that Diamonds and Miners are in…
Coal and Pressure. My pressure comes from the hate of humans
What does it make me except a broken stone?
The earth, the greatest broken stone, which hates gravity
Yet its disregard for the compelling force of the world
Is what keeps us from crashing and burning
The shadows and light have a secret love affair
The greatest enemies have surely kissed in another universe
Hatred and Joy are the greatest friends
The motivation to strive that jealousy creates is like the Blacksmith striking iron
How can empathy and wickedness coexist?
It is our nature